Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blotters w/ Unknown Dates/Years

These blotters have no date or no year; they are not necessarily in chronological order.

•A man with a "large head" was reportedly following another man in Ellensburg.

•Two "pudgy" men were seen attempting to break into a hot tub room at a Cle Elum motel.

•A vehicle with its hood up and hazard lights on was parked on First Street in Cle Elum and a man was reportedly standing beside it crying.

•People were reportedly looking for a campsite and drove the wrong way down Lake Kachess Road and a man started yelling at the driver and chased the passenger around the vehicle. 2010

•A porcupine reportedly moved into the area of Ruby Street.

•A loose pit bull was reportedly chasing a family down Lincoln Street.

•Several people were seen fighting with boxing gloves and helmets in a Roslyn park.

•A woman said two men were picking apples outside an abandoned home. She was scared it was to attract the bears.

•A Willow Street resident reported someone reportedly faking a death in New York but the person actually lives in Ellensburg.

•A man reported walking home from a friend's home the previous evening while drunk, leaving his car there. Now he felt the friend had hidden his vehicle.

•A man requested to speak to police officers in regards to pornographic material he had found in various locations in Ellensburg.
•Two people were reportedly overly romantic in the lobby of a motel on Canyon Road in Ellensburg.
•Someone on Capitol Street in Ellensburg reported receiving a phone call asking for money for "Chief Doug Doug." Oct. 10-12

•A Dodge Road resident reported he thought someone came into his home and took his house cat.
•A Pearl Street resident reported the ongoing problem of someone moving the mirror position on his vehicle.
•A woman was seen standing by herself in a field on Umptanum Road for more than 30 minutes.
•A gas station attendant in Ellensburg reported two Middle Eastern men that looked suspicious to him. Oct. 12-15

•Five people were reportedly fighting over a sweatshirt on Fourth Avenue and Anderson Street.
•A pigeon was reportedly inside a building on Main Street.
•A man was reportedly running around on the roof of a business on Pearl Street. Nov. 6-9

•Subjects were seen walking down Water Street with a couch. Nov. 16-19

•Two clay soldiers were taken from a backyard on Ruby Street.
•Two men were reported carrying satchel bags and trying to sell cologne for a local church.
•A man with long hair, a coat and a duffel bag was seen throwing rocks across the Interstate 90 westbound ramp.
•Four juveniles were seen on a Cleveland Street roof in Cle Elum playing with the flagpole.
•A man reported he was having trouble with his 16-year-old daughter who was refusing to stay at their residence.
•A woman in South Cle Elum believes someone may have tried to poison her dog. Her dog threw up chunks of meat with foil mixed in.
•Subjects were seen walking down Water Street with a couch.
•A man followed a woman to Taco Bell, called her a reckless driver and threatened to place her under citizen's arrest. Nov. 16-19

•A woman on No. 81 Road reported a man had changed her address to one in Seattle without her permission.
•An Ellensburg woman reportedly went to the hospital emergency room for a cat bite. Nov. 21-23

•An Ellensburg resident reported the school district had lost her 5-year-old son three times.
•A snowman was built in the intersection of Second Avenue and Lewis Street in Kittitas.
•Animal lungs and trachea were found in a sink at a university laundry mat. Nov. 30-Dec. 3

•An elderly man was reportedly walking around Cle Elum carrying his shoes. Dec. 3-4

•An 11-year-old Ellensburg boy refused to get into a car with his mother.
•A dog with a lamp shade on its head was wandering around Manitoba Avenue.
•An Ellensburg resident reported he was having a relationship with a girl over the Internet. He found out she was a minor and now her family is suing him. Feb. 22-25

•A woman on Bonnie Lane reported a helicopter flying in the area was shaking her windows and she wanted it to fly another route.
•A man reportedly got out of his vehicle, walked around a Bull Road residence and left.
•A man on Sunlight Drive reported he thought he was in possession of dangerous chemicals. June 1-2

•Three emus were reportedly in the roadway on Wilson Creek Road.
•A man reportedly threatened to put a stick of dynamite in the back of a woman's car on Cascade Court. July 7-8

•Children were reportedly kicking soccer balls in a park on Seattle Avenue.
•The back window of a restaurant building was reportedly left open on Main Street in Ellensburg.
•A person reportedly ran into a door with a motorized wheelchair on Chestnut Avenue. July 17-20

•A truck driver was complaining "the helpful angels" were blocking his view. Aug. 19-20

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